OECD Economic Outlook No. 79, May 2006
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM
Centro de  Documentación e Información
Programa de Servicios de Bancos de Información

 INTER t i p s  ... 2 0 0 6
en información económica
Victor Medina

OECD Economic Outlook
2006, vol. 2006, no. 1
OECD Economic Outlook No. 79: May 2006 - Preliminary Edition (Complete Edition - ISBN 9264018379)
Twice a year, the OECD Economic Outlook analyses the major trends and examines the economic policies required to foster high and sustainable growth in member countries. Developments in major non-OECD economies are also evaluated. The present issue covers the outlook to end-2007. Together with a wide range of cross-country statistics, the Outlook provides a unique tool to keep abreast of world economic developments.
In addition to the themes featured regularly, this issue contains a special chapter on Future Budget Pressures Arising from Spending on Health and Long-Term Care, which addresses the following questions:
How much will ageing boost public health and long-term care expenditures over the next 50 years?
What other factors influence spending and how are they likely to evolve?
Which role could policies play in containing future spending pressures?

OECD Economic Outlook No. 79, May 2006
Última modificación ( 24.05.2006 )