Flujos de capital hacia las economías de mercados emergentes. © IIF
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© Victor Medina Corona

M. Emre Tiftik, Suttle, Philip, Robin Koepke, Morkunaite Kristina, Huefner Félix
Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies, © Copyright 2012. The Institute of International Finance, Inc., June 04, 2012, 36 p.

Net private capital flows to emerging market economies remain quite volatile and subject to disturbance from the Euro Area crisis. They fell in 2011 relative to 2010 (to $1,030 billion from $1,088 billion) and are likely to be lower again in 2012 ($912 billion), even though the macroeconomic performance of emerging market economies (and thus the return on investments there) remains substantially better than that of mature economies. Rapid mood swings are also apt to make market-based and banking related flows quite volatile. While we have raised our capital flows forecasts since our January report, the projections are subject to unusually large downside risks owing to continued tensions in the Euro Area.

Palabras Clave: flujos de capital, economías emergentes, tasas de interés, bonos, inversiones, eurozona, crisis financiera, América Latina, Europa, Asia, Africa, Medio Oriente, 2010-2013
Clasificación JEL: G15, O5, O16, R42, Y10

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