Conferencia Anual del Banco Mundial sobre Economía del Desarrollo, Mayo 29-31 del 2006
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM
Centro de  Documentación e Información
Programa de Servicios de Bancos de Información

 INTER t i p s  ... 2 0 0 6
en información económica
Victor Medina

May 31, 2006onferencia Anual del Banco

La Conferencia Anual del Banco Mundial sobre Economía del Desarrollo en Tokio centra su atención en el tema de la infraestructura y en particular en el acceso a la energía y su seguridad.

Conference Papers

The papers presented during the plenary sessions of the ABCDE Tokyo 2006 are now posted and downloadable online.

Plenary Session 1

Infrastructure for Growth: Emerging Issues
Antonio ESTACHE, Senior Economic Adviser, Infrastructure Vice Presidency, The World Bank

Plenary Session 2

Sustainable Development and Infrastructure: Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Energy Efficiency
Michael GRUBB, Chief Economist, UK Carbon Trust and  Senior Research Associate, Department of Applied  Economics,  Cambridge University, UK

Management of Energy Resources in ChinaABCDE_Tokyo_FB_final.pdf
Jiang KEJUN, Energy Research Institute, China
Plenary Session 3

Rural Agriculture and Infrastructure Development
Per PINSTRUP-ANDERSEN, Chair of the Science  Council, Consultative Group on International Agricultural  Research (CGIAR)

Economic Development Capitalizing on Brand Agriculture: Turning Development Strategy on Its Head
Masahisa FUJITA, Professor, Kyoto University, Japan and  President, Institute of Developing Economies-Japan External  Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO), Japan

Plenary Session 4

Infrastructure and Regional Cooperation
Haruhiko KURODA, President, Asian Development Bank