China 2030: La construcción de una sociedad moderna, armónica y creativa. © World Bank
Centro de Documentación e Información
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Servicio de diseminación selectiva en información económica
© Victor Medina Corona

China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious and Creative Society. Washington D,C., © International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / ,The World Bank and the Development Research Center of the State Council, P. R. China, Report Number76299, March 23, 2013, 473 p., ISBN (electronic): 978-0-8213-9756-5

This overview, followed by five supporting reports, identifies these challenges of tomorrow, points to key choices ahead, and recommends not just ‘what’ needs to be reformed, but ‘how’ to undertake the reforms. The overview is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter examines the characteristics of China’s development since 1978; considers future opportunities, challenges, and risks; and describes a vision of China in the year 2030. The second chapter maps a new strategy that will realize this vision, focusing on the key choices ahead for China to sustain rapid economic and social development and become a modern, harmonious, and creative high-income society before 2030. Chapter’s three to eight elaborate on each of the six pillars of the new strategy: consolidating China’s market foundations; enhancing innovation; promoting green development; ensuring equality of opportunity and social protection for all; strengthening public finances; and achieving mutually beneficial win-win relations between China and the rest of the world. The ninth and final chapter addresses implementation challenges, including the sequencing of reforms and overcoming obstacles that are likely to emerge.

Palabras Clave: China, innovación, protección social, Estado, redes globales de I + D, política exterior, desarrollo social, mercados globales, igualdad de oportunidades, integración económica, empresas públicas, ingresos medios, sostenibilidad fiscal, competitividad, desarrollo ecológico, crecimiento económico, reforma fiscal, reformas estructurales, sector financiero
, macroeconomía y desarrollo, perspectivas económicas, 2030
Clasificación JEL:
E62, E63, E65, E66, N15, O53, Q01, Q16, Y10