El clima y el desafío del desarrollo para América Latina y el Caribe: Un clima bajo en carbono. ©BID
Centro de Documentación e Información
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© Victor Medina Corona

Vergara, Walter; Rios, Ana R.; Galindo Paliza, Luis Miguel; Gutman, Pablo; Isbell, Paul; Suding, Paul H.; Samaniego, Jose Luis
The Climate and Development Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean: Options for Climate-Resilient, Low-Carbon Development. Washington, D.C.  ©
Inter-American Development Bank, April, 2013, 103 p., ISBN 978-1-59782-165-0

This book is a joint effort lead by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in collaboration with the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) focused on the climate and development challenge for LAC. It deals with a matter that is bound to affect the likelihood of achieving sustainable progress in Latin America and the Caribbean. Indeed, climate change is already affecting the foundations on which Latin American societies rely for sustenance and welfare.

Palabras Clave: América Latina, Caribe, cambio climático, agricultura, costas, zonas marinas, temperaturas extremas, hidrología, biodiversidad, emisiones de carbono,
huella de carbono, costos financieros, generación de energía,  desarrollo sostenible
Clasificación JEL: 
O54, Q01, Q17, Q27, Q33, Q51, Q53, Q56, Q57, Q581, Y10
Última modificación ( 24.04.2013 )