Fabricando el crecimiento: Estrategias para impulsar el crecimiento y el empleo. © WEFORUM
Centro de Documentación e Información
INTER t i p s  ... 2 0 1 3
Servicio de diseminación selectiva en información económica
© Victor Medina Corona

Manufacturing for Growth,Strategies for Driving Growth and Employment.Geneva, Switzerland © World Economic Forum / Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, April, 2013

This series of Manufacturing for Growth reports addresses these key competitive factors and defines ways to drive economic growth and high-value job creation through manufacturing industry sectors. The Manufacturing for Growth series comprises three volumes:

- Volume 1: Globally Competitive Policy seeks to define the features of effective, comprehensive national industrial policy. This volume focuses on six countries chosen to represent both historic manufacturing giants and new and emerging manufacturing powerhouses. This cross-section was selected as representative of developed and emerging economy nations to showcase the unique aspects of each and, more often than not, the similarities in what manufacturing executives recommend to policy-makers. Volume 1 was informed by discussions with over 70 chief executives of multinational manufacturing companies, which resulted in:
   - Policy recommendations common across all interviews conducted in support of this project
   - Specific country policy recommendations for:
             •     Emerging economies – China,Brazil and India
             •     Developed economies –Germany, Japan and theUnited States
    - An outline of various policy instruments that are available to policy-makers and significantly influence competitiveness
    - An analysis of some critical policy areas most frequently cited by chief executives around the world as having a direct impact on their companies’ ability to compete

- Volume 2: Partnering for Competitiveness examines case studies of public-private collaboration from around the world that enable innovation and technology advancement and promote talent development.

- Volume 3: Manufacturing Value Chains Driving Growth illustrates the value and jobs created by specific industry sectors – aerospace, automotive and chemicals – from a global macro-view as well as a micro-view of the impact that a single product value chain or single production facility can have on a location.

Palabras Clave: China, Brasil, India, Alemania, Japón, Estados Unidos, competitividad, crecimiento económico, empleos de alto valor, sector manufacturero, industria manufacturera, política industrial, economías emergentes, países desarrollados, empresas manufactureras multinacionales, innovación tecnológica, sector privado, sector puúblioc, cadenas de valor, sectores aeroespacial, automotriz y de productos químicos
Clasificación JEL: J23, F23, F43, O11, O14,  Y10