The Africa Competitiveness Report 2013. © World Bank
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© Victor Medina Corona

The Africa Competitiveness Report 2013. Geneva, Switzerland, © World Economic Forum, World Bank, African Development Bank and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, May, 2013, 203 p.,  ISBN-10: 92-95044-44-4

Through a comprehensive analysis of Africa’s most pressing competitiveness challenges, the Report discusses the barriers to increased trade, including the state of Africa’s infrastructure and its legal and regulatory environment. It similarly considers how innovative ,public-private partnerships, often anchored to potential growth poles, can serve as incubators for self-sustaining industrialization, more jobs, greater opportunities, and more dynamic regional integration. The Report also delivers detailed competitiveness profiles for 38 African countries, providing a comprehensive summary of the drivers of productivity and competitiveness within the continente.

Palabras Clave: África, competitividad, mercado internacional, desarrollo sostenible, comercio, infraestructura, polos de crecimiento, integración regional

Clasificación JEL: F15, H54, O55, Q01, Y10