Kenneth Rogoff: "Europa ha perdido a los keynesianos". © Project Syndicate
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© Victor Medina Corona

Kenneth Rogoff:: "Europe’s Lost Keynesians". © Project Syndicate, May 23, 2013.

"CAMBRIDGE – There is no magic Keynesian bullet for the eurozone’s woes. But the spectacularly muddle-headed argument nowadays that too much austerity is killing Europe is not surprising. Commentators are consumed by politics, flailing away at any available target, while the “anti-austerity” masses apparently believe that there are easy cyclical solutions to tough structural problems. The eurozone’s difficulties, I have long argued, stem from European financial and monetary integration having gotten too far ahead of actual political, fiscal, and banking union. This is not a problem with which Keynes was familiar, much less one that he sought to address. (...)".

Palabras Clave: John Maynard Keynes, eurozona, política monetaria, política fiscal, austeridad fiscal, sistema bancario, deuda pública, crisis financiera, recesión económica
Clasificación JEL: E12, E31, E32, E43, E62, E63, E66, H63, O52, Y10