Competition Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs). UNCTAD
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM
Centro de  Documentación e Información
Programa de Servicios de Bancos de Información

 INTER t i p s  ... 2 0 0 6
en información económica
Victor Medina

"Competition Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs): How to assure development gains"
UNCTAD/International Development and Research Centre (IDRC)

This publication explores cross-cutting issues applicable to all RTAs as well as the experiences specific of developing countries. The main issues addressed in this publication include:

  • Proliferation of bilateral and regional trade agreements containing provisions on Competition Law and Policies. Lessons for negotiation and enforcement;

  • Operationalising special and differential treatment in cooperation agreements on competition law and policy;

  • Implementation costs and burden of international competition law and policy agreements;

  • Consumer protection, competition and RTAs: some lessons for developing countries; and

  • Establishing competition enforcement networks at regional level (e.g. The European Competition Network - ECN: a model for developing countries?).


  • Full report [PDF, 518 Pages, 1578Kb]