Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook. IMF

Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM
Centro de  Documentación e Información
Programa de Servicios de Bancos de Información

 INTER t i p s  ... 2 0 0 6
en información económica
Victor Medina

 Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook

This report gives the IMF's view of the outlook for Asia, identifies the main risks to growth, and considers the key factors that will influence capital inflows. The REO also discusses short-run macroeconomic policy issues for the region, as well as longer-term challenges, including the need to raise consumption and rebalance growth, develop further regional financial and capital markets, and address growing income inequality.


Executive Summary
I.  Recent Developments and Outlook
 External Sector
II.  Financial Developments in Emerging Asia
 Assessment of the Recent Correction
 Outlook for Capital Inflows to Emerging Asia
III.  Macroeconomic Policy Issues
 Monetary Policy
 Fiscal Policy
IV.  Asian Equity Markets: Growth, Opportunities, and Challenges
 The Emergence of Asian Stock Markets
 Performance of Asian Emerging Stock Markets
 Valuation of Asian Markets
 Equity Prices and Economic Activity
 Policy Implications
V.  Private Consumption in Emerging Asia
 Private Consumption Trends in Emerging Asia
 Determinants of Private Consumption in Emerging Asia
 Estimation Results
 Is Private Consumption in Emerging Asia Too Low?
 Potential Policy Implications
VI.  Rising Inequality and Polarization in Asia
 Trends and Patterns
 Determinants of Inequality and Polarization
 Did the Asian Crisis Increase Inequality
 Data Appendix

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