Remittances and transnational households. BBVA
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM
Centro de  Documentación e Información
Programa de Servicios de Bancos de Información

 INTER t i p s  ... 2 0 0 6
en información económica
Victor Medina

Alejandro Neut.  Remittances and Trasnational households.  BBVA, US Economic Research  Department.  Octuber  2006, 5 p.

In recent years, a spectacular rise in the flow of remittances to most emerging economies, and to Latin America in particular, has generated plenty of analysis among researchers and heated debates among policy makers and other institutions.
The numbers are eye openers: remittances to emerging economies have increased six fold during the last 15 years. While in 1990 there was an estimated 31 billion
dollars of remittances sent to developing countries, many analysts estimate that flows will surpass 200 billion dollars in 2006 (equivalent to 6.7% of imports and 7.5% of
total investments in emerging economies). From this estimated total, around 60 billion are expected to flow to Latin America and the Caribbean1. Within this region, Mexico
is no doubt the largest recipient, expecting around US$25 billion dollars in remittances destined for 1.4 million Mexican households. This amount is 25% more than the US$20.04 billion dollars received in 2005.

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Remittances and transnational households