Recesión en los USA - Recession U.S. and Global Financial Crisis
Noticias y artículos sobre la recesión en curso en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y su impacto en las relaciones económicas mundiales
Hemerografía compilada por Víctor Medina Corona

The Impact of the Ongoing Recession (definition) U.S. Recession

The Crashing Economy - Useful Bibliography of Recent News

Keyword: U.S. economy,  recession, forecast, economic development, stimulus package, GDP, FED, unemployment, US economic data at Economist  Definition, 

La economía de los EE.UU. creció en sólo 0,6 por ciento en el cuarto trimestre, que fue la mitad de lo que esperaba Wall Street. Martin Feldstein, presidente de la Oficina Nacional de Investigación Económica (NBER por sus siglas en inglés), dice que la probabilidad de una recesión es ahora más de 50-50, incluso si la Fed mantiene las tasas de corte (Enero 8, 2008. CNNMoney).


Greenspan predicts US recession
By Craig Torres

Bloomberg News
Wednesday, March 7, 2007; Page D01

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said yesterday that there is a "one-third probability" of a U.S. recession this year and that the current economic expansion won't have the staying power of its decade-long predecessor.

Economics Essays: Is the US economy heading into Recession?

Posted by: T.Pettinger 

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Is the US economy set for further growth or is a recession an inevitability for an economy that has been living beyond its means for a long time?


America risks the fate of Rome

By David Walker

Financial Times

Published: August 21 2007 19:12 | Last updated: August 21 2007 19:12

The US is a great nation, possibly the greatest of all time. Yet to keep America great, policymakers must learn certain lessons from history, notably the downfall of the Roman republic.

Heading for the rocks: Will financial turmoil sink the world economy? 

EIU Special Report August 2007

The shock waves of the subprime mortgage crisis are still being felt in financial markets around the world. But what is the likely longer-term impact on the global economy?

OECD Chief: U.S. Likely to Avoid Major Recession

By Joellen Perry

WSJ Digital Network

September 5, 2007, 8:42 am 

Flexible labor markets and resilient consumption should help the U.S. economy avoid a major recession, says the chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris.

Greespan 'Mess' Risks U.S. Recession, Stiglitz Says
Reed V. Landberg and Paul George
November 16, 2008
Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel-prize winning economist, said the U.S. economy risks tumbling into recession because of the ``mess'' left by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Forecast: U.S. likely to avoid recession

United Press International

November 19 2007

The U.S. economy faces a growing risk of recession but will probably avoid one, an economic forecast said Monday.

Can the US avoid recession?

By Jeremy Batstone-Carr


November 21 2007

As we continue to look ahead to 2008 one of the key uncertainties facing the global economy remains the massive structural imbalance that exists between the US (and to a lesser but still significant extent, the UK) and the surplus nations of Asia and elsewhere.

Don’t look now: Here comes the recession

By Colin Barr


November 26 2007: 3:54 PM EST

Even with a boost from holiday spending, the U.S. economy looks shaky, thanks to slumping housing prices, Wall Street woes and debt-laden consumers. How bad could it get?


How to Avert Recession

By Martin Feldstein


December 5, 2007

The American economy is now very weak and could get substantially weaker. Current economic conditions call for lowering interest rates and for enacting a tax cut now that is conditioned on economic developments in 2008. More generally, fiscal policy should be considered in the future whenever there is a risk that an excessively easy monetary policy could cause an asset-price bubble.


US Economic Prospects 2008/09 Squeaking Past Recession...

By Michael Mussa
The Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics
December 5, 2007
Aided by a surge in exports that boosted third quarter (annualized)real GDP growth to almost 5 percent, the U.S. economy will achieve slightly better than 2 percent real growth year-over-year in 2007—about in line with last year’s forecast. Falling home values and high energy costs, however, point to very sluggish growth of real consumer spending in the final quarter
of 2007 and the first half of 2008, with only a modest pick-up thereafter.

Does it Matter?

By Jeff Rubin

StrategEcon - January 18, 2008

CIBC World Markets Inc.

If the US economy is in recession, it’s remarkable how little impact that has had on global commodity markets. US$90 crude prices and US$3.20 copper prices seem to be defying American economic gravity. In fact, broadly based commodity price indexes like the CRB continue to post new record highs. Either the US economy is not nearly as weak as financial markets perceive it to be, or the US economy is not nearly as important to the global economy as it once was.


US heads for recession as Fed ‘pushes on a string’ 


December 14 2007

Stockmarkets had a roller-coaster week. Investors had been hoping for aggressive action from the Federal Reserve to shore up a US economy hit by the credit squeeze and the deepening housing slump.

Three reasons why the US faces recession in 2008 

By Dominick Armentano


September 5, 2007, 8:42 am

January 4 2008

Presidential election years usually are not recessionary but next year will be an exception. Several economic factors are colliding in an almost perfect storm to markedly slow the general economy and the stock market.

2008 US and Global Economic Outlook and Implications for Financial Markets

By Nouriel Roubini 

RGE Monitor 

The US will experience a hard landing (recession) that will be severe and protracted rather than mild

Bush tax cut guru: Recession now likely:

By Chris Isidore

January 8 2008: 5:46 AM EST

Martin Feldstein argues tax cuts and more Fed rate cuts necessary to address looming recession.


What Happens if We Are in a Recession?

Mark Lieberman


January 10 2008

So, that "R" word is still getting thrown around. Are we in a recession? If not, are we close to one? How and when will we know? What will it mean? How do you cope?

A recession may already be here

By Chris Isidore

January 10 2008: 4:57 AM EST

Economists shift from wondering if there will be a recession to asking if the U.S. economy has already shifted into reverse.

In case of emergency, slash rates:

By Paul R. La Monica


January 11 2008: 5:30 PM EST

Some are calling for the Fed to cut interest rates sooner rather than later to fight off recession.

Recession S.O.S. - goosing growth:

By Jeanne Sahadi

January 14 2008: 10:02 AM EST

Lawmakers are considering a host of options to stimulate the economy, and some may mean more for your bottom line.

Global economic crisis 'serious': IMF Chief

January 21 2008: 4:31 PM EST

Investors skeptical of U.S. stimulus package, says IMF's Strauss-Kahn; an American recession would spread globally, he warns.

Will the cure be worse than the disease?

By Shawn Tully

January 21 2008: 7:58 AM EST

Politicians are scrambling to offer a stimulus package, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is slashing interest rates. But they may be paving the way for a bigger calamity down the road.

Is a Recession on the Way?

By Dave Carpenter

U.S. News

January 21, 3:05 PM EST

Economists and politicians can debate all they want about whether the nation is sliding into its first recession in nearly seven years. To Chuck Rizzo, the picture is clear.

Why the Fed can't save us from recession

By Allan Sloan

Fortune /

January 22 2008: 7:47 PM EST

Bernanke and company are using up their limited ammunition, but genuine problems remain with the low dollar and U.S. debt, argues Allan Sloan.

A recession of global dimensions?

By Geoff Colvin

Fortune / CNNMoney

January 22 2008: 1:17 PM EST

Globalization is a wonderful thing for the U.S. economy. It's also driving the dramatic slowdown that's underway.

Rebates: No big deal for stores

By Oarija B, Kavilanz senior writer

January 22 2008: 1:21 PM EST

Economists dismiss the tax stimulus proposal, saying it's unlikely to save retailers from the weakest sales growth in 6 years.

High gas prices: Recession-proof

By Steve Hargreaves staff writer

January 22 2008: 1:21 PM EST

Americans may see falling stock markets and employment rates, but worldwide demand and OPEC should keep the heat on oil and gas prices.

Bush: Economy needs 'shot in arm'

By Chris Isidore

January 22 2008: 1:27 PM EST

President says immediate, temporary tax cuts for businesses and individuals are needed to keep economy on track.

Americans: Recession near - or already here

By Chris Isidore

January 22 2008: 1:27 PM EST

More than three out of four Americans believe that a recession has already started or will hit in '08. Half have cut their spending, which could make a slowdown worse.

Americans: Recession near or already here

By Chris Isidore

January 22 2008: 1:27 PM EST

More than three out of four Americans believe that a recession has already started or will hit in '08. Half have cut their spending, which could make a slowdown worse.

Bush: Economy needs 'shot in the arm'

By Chris Isidore

January 22 2008: 1:27 PM EST

President says immediate, temporary tax cuts for businesses and individuals are needed to keep economy on track.

Stimulus debate turns on rebates

By Jeanne Sahadi senior writer

January 22 2008: 5:09 PM EST

President Bush and congressional leaders say they are ready to push ahead on plans to boost the ecnonomy, but big sticking points remain.

Stocks down at end of rocky ride

By Alexandra Twin senior writer

January 22 2008: 5:54 PM EST

Wall Street cuts losses, but still ends lower as investors worry about the global economy. Emergency interest rate cut provides little support.

The Fed is on your side

By David Goldman

January 22 2008: 7:22 PM EST

The rate cut will help consumers with large home equity credit payments and may help credit card borrowers as well.

Why the Fed can't save us

By Allan Sloa

Fortune / CNNMoney

January 22 2008: 7:47 PM EST

Bernanke and company are using up their limited ammunition, but genuine problems remain with the low dollar and U.S. debt, argues Allan Sloan.

Why the Fed's panicky rate cut won't save the US economy

By John Stepek

January 22 2008


Don’t panic. It’s the number one rule in a crisis. But it seems that the people who run the global economy didn’t read that particular rule book.

Crisis del capitalismo y de la civilización monetarista

By Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

La Jornada

Enero 23, 2008

Los efectos de la "Muy Gran Depresión de EU" serán contrastantes en Europa, Asia y los países emergentes y se caracterizará por la recesión de EU, la estanflación global y la captura de las instituciones financieras privadas occidentales por las entidades estatales provistas de su poderosos "fondos de riqueza soberana".

How to save the US economy - ban saving

By John Stepek

January 23 2008


The Federal Reserve well and truly lost its nerve yesterday. Just a week before a scheduled interest-rate meeting, Ben Bernanke and team decided, against a backdrop of plummeting global stock markets, that they couldn’t wait to cut interest rates any longer.

Wall Street bets on more Fed cuts

By Paul R. La Monica

January 23 2008: 9:24 AM EST

The market still expects the Fed to cut rates again next week but some economists say not so fast.

Your Stocks: Riding our a recession

By Michael Sivy, Money Magazine editor at large

January 23 2008: 10:30 AM EST

The outlook isn't as bad as many investors fear, and there are ways to keep your investing plan on track. Money Magazine's Michael Sivy has a plan for defensive investing.

No recession expected this year: Congressional Budget Office

By Richard Cowan and Donna Smith


January 23 2008: 12:35 PM EST

The slowing U.S. economy is unlikely to sink into an election-year recession and an economic rebound could begin as early as next year as housing and financial market turmoil fades, the Congressional Budget Office forecast on Wednesday.

UPDATE 4-CBO sees U.S.

By Richard Cowan and Donna Smith


January 23 2008: 2:21 PM EST

The slowing U.S. economy is unlikely to sink into an election-year recession and an economic rebound could begin as early as next year as housing and financial market turmoil fades, the Congressional Budget Office forecast on Wednesday.

Merrill: Housing prices to free fall in '08

By David Goldman

January 23 2008: 5:24 PM EST

According to a Merrill Lynch report, home prices will drop 15 percent this year, and declines will continue in 2009.

Budget deficit expected to reach $250B

January 23 2008: 10:48 AM EST

Slowing economy and cost of wars are expected to send the 2008 budget deficit to $250 billion, compared with $163 billion last year.

Recession 2008: How bad it can get

By Chris Isidore

January 24 2008: 3:25 PM EST

Many economists are predicting a short, shallow recession. But there's also a significant risk of a more serious economic decline.

Bush tax guru backs stimulus plan

By Steve Hargreaves

January 24 2008: 2:20 PM EST

Martin Feldstein says rebates should go to high-income earners as well; cautions against extending unemployment benefits.

Juicing the economy will come at a cost

By Jeanne Sahadi

January 24 2008: 3:15 PM EST

Boosting economic growth is great, but it's not free and it's not guaranteed. Lawmakers need to weigh the cost of any stimulus package with its benefits.

Deal struck to send checks to taxpayers

By Chris Isidore

January 24 2008: 9:32 PM EST

Compromise would provide $600 rebates to most taxpayers in effort to spur spending and head off recession. High-income earners are mostly left out.

Recession 2008: How bad it can get

By Chris Isidore

January 24 2008: 3:25 PM EST

Many economists are predicting a short, shallow recession. But there's also a significant risk of a more serious economic decline.

Stimulus plan boosts higher-priced housing

January 24 2008: 3:19 PM EST

Fannie and Freddie would have their mortgage cap raised 50% above the current $417,000 limit.

Stimulus proponents need to navigate Senate

By David Goldman staff writer

January 25 2008: 12:41 PM EST

House will vote on $150 billion measure soon. Then it's on to the Senate, where lawmakers are already talking of adding provisions.

US Stock Market Not Pricing in Recession!

By John Mauldin

The Market Oracle

January 28, 2008: 08:11 PM

What a difference a week makes! Recession talk is everywhere. This begs the question, are markets priced for such a possibility? We would suggest the answer is a resounding no. Valuation and cyclical risk are enormous. Yet, investors pile on the pressure by believing they can tell 'true' growth stocks from young pretenders.

IMF Sees Slowing World Economy in 2008. World Economic Outlook Update

January 29 2008:   9:00 AM

World economic growth will slow significantly in 2008 but the U.S., whose housing downturn is rattling global financial markets, will avoid recession, the International Monetary Fund forecast Tuesday.

House nears vote on stimulus bill

January 29 2008: 12:45 PM EST

Senate plans add-ons for senior citizens despite Bush's State of the Union pleas.

Consumer confidence falls in January

By Ben Rooney staff writer

January 29 2008: 12:49 PM EST

Index tumbles after posting a modest gain in December. Short-term outlook turns bleak.

Home ownership in record plunge

By Chris Isidore

January 29 2008: 1:40 PM EST

Fourth quarter saw biggest one-year drop in since tracking began in 1965 - as mortgage problems and rising foreclosures take their toll.

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study

January 29 2008: 1:57 PM EST

Moody's study suggests extending unemployment benefits, increasing food stamps fastest ways to stimulate economy.

Economy much weaker than expected

By Chris Isidore

January 30 2008: 11:38 AM EST

Gross domestic product slowed to a 0.6% growth rate in the fourth quarter, raising both recession fears and hope for another deep Fed cut

Dollar's slide: It's the economy, stupid

ByDavid Ellis staff writer

January 30 2008: 3:29 PM EST

Wednesday's rate cut by the Fed may erode the dollar's value, but it's the economy that will drive the greenback lower going forward.

Senate panel approves economy plan

By Jeanne Sahadi

January 31 2008: 10:26 AM EST

Finance committee gives nod to stimulus measures. Proposals to give tax rebates to seniors and aid the unemployed gain support. Next step: Full Senate vote

World Economic Situation and Prospects 2008

Department of Economic and Social Affairs. UN

January 31 2008

The growth of the world economy moderated somewhat from 3.9 per cent in 2006 to a

nonetheless robust 3.7 per cent during 2007. Th e baseline forecast of the United Nations for 2008 is for growth of the world economy to slow further to 3.4 per cent, but the darkening clouds of downside risks are looming much larger than a year ago.

Why job market is even worse than you think

By Chris Isidore

February 2 2008: 9:05 AM EST

Nation's first job loss in more than four years tells only part of the story of the weak labor market. The ranks of the long-term unemployed are growing

Job cuts on the rise - report

February 4 2008: 9:14 AM EST

The nearly 75,000 layoffs were the highest total since August, according to a consulting firm, but the cuts are still not at 2001's recession pace.

Bush budget takes economy into account: W.House


February 4 2008: 10:10 AM EST

U.S. President George W. Bush's fiscal 2009 budget proposal released on Monday takes into account that the U.S. economy is facing a slowdown, the White House said.

Recession is here - economists

By Chris Isidore

February 5 2008: 12:47 PM EST

A growing number of top economists believe that the U.S. economy has now toppled into recession.


Jonathan Heath©

Director de Estudios Económicos de HSBC


Hace algunos meses, se debatía si la economía norteamericana se desaceleraría o si podría mantener su mismo ritmo. Hacía fin de año, la discusión cambió a desaceleración o recesión. Ahora el debate es acerca de la duración y profundidad de lo que cada vez más parece ser ya una recesión.

Dramático desplome de la Bolsa

Róger Lindo

La Opinión Digital
06 de febrero de 2008

Las acciones industriales de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York sufrieron ayer un descenso de 370 puntos, equivalente a un 2.9%, tras conocerse la caída en enero del índice nacional que mide la actividad del sector no manufacturero.

Recession? Where to put your money now

By Shawn Tully editor at large

Fortune /

February 6 2008: 3:37 AM EST

Gloom in the markets means great opportunities, if you've got courage and patience.

Recession road trip

By David Whitford editor at large

Fortune Magazine /

February 6 2008: 9:03 AM ES

Is the economy really on the rocks? We packed our bags and canvassed the country - seven cities in seven days - to find out how America's business owners see it.

Vote near in Senate showdown over economy

By Jeanne Sahadi senior writer

February 6 2008: 10:02 AM EST

Senate Democrats want $200 billion stimulus plan. House version would cost $150 billion. Key issues include aid to seniors and unemployed.

FED’s Inflation talk stretches stocks’ losing streak

By Ben Rooney, staff writer

February 6 2008: 5:47 PM EST

Major indexes turn negative after rallying early in the session. Fed official's remarks, Macy's woes overshadow upbeat productivity report.

Stimulus plan may not lead to many new jobs

By Chris Isidore

February 6 2008: 6:37 PM EST

Even if $150B tax rebate plan gives economy a shot in arm, it won't necessary prompt employers to add staff.


You are what you Spend

By W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm

New York Times

February 10, 2008

With markets swinging widely, the Federal Reserve slashing interest rates and the word "recession" on everybody’s lips, renewed attention is being given to the gap between the haves and have-nots in America. Most of this debate, however, is focused on the wrong measurement of financial well-being.

A repeat of the Great Depression is unlikely

By Wolfgang Munchau

Financial Times

February 10 2008 19:05

Writes that global deflation of the scale seen during the Great Depression is unlikely. "So the risk of a global deflationary depression is small. But might it still not be worth insuring against? The trouble is that such "insurance" does not come in the form of a "price" but in the form of additional risk – of future inflation and financial instability. Last week, 10-year U.S. Treasuries bonds yielded a mere 3.7 per cent, a rate below the actual rate of U.S. consumer price inflation. In the event that the U.S. recession turns out to be unexpectedly shallow and short (not very probable in my view, but vastly more probable than a deflationary depression), yields may well shoot up to 6 or 7 per cent.

Stagflation Threat Needs Portfolio Protection

John F. Wasik


February 11, 2008 00:11 EST

For some soothsayers, the U.S. economy may be ravaged by a two-headed monster: inflation and stagnant growth. Stagflation, the ugly sounding anomaly where prices keep rising in a contracting economy, may be the beast that dominates another recession. Not seen in a generation, stagflation requires special investments to combat its punishing impact on your portfolio. You will also need to chuck the conventional wisdom on what works in a recession.

White House Optimism on Business Investment: A Reality Check

WSJ Digital Network

February 11, 2008, 6:00 pm

In its annual Economic Report of the President issued today, the White House is suitably sober about housing, predicting residential construction would not contribute to growth until 2009.

Economic Report of the President

Council of Economic Advisers

February 11, 2008

In its annual Economic Report of the President issued today, the White House is suitably sober about housing, predicting residential construction would not contribute to growth until 2009. But it sounds an optimistic note on business investment. Non-residential construction grew a strong 16% last year, with 70% of the growth coming from office buildings, hotels, power plants, and oil and gas wells.

Survey of professional forecasters

February 12, 2008, 12:27 pm

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

The outlook for growth in the first half of 2008 looks much weaker now than it did three months ago, according to 50 forecasters surveyed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. However, the forecasters are not predicting a contraction. Growth in the current quarter is projected at an annual rate of 0.7 percent, down from the projection of 2.2 percent in last year’s fourth-quarter survey. The forecasters are pegging the probability of a downturn this quarter at 47 percent, as discussed in a section below. The forecasters expect growth of 1.3 percent in the second quarter, marking a downward revision from 2.3 percent previously, and they are assigning a probability of 43 percent to negative growth. The forecasters see growth of 2.8 percent in each quarter of the second half of the year. This projection is very nearly equal to the forecasters’ new estimate for long-run average growth, discussed in a section below.

Prospects for the U.S. Economy in 2008

By Janet L. Yellen
President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
For delivery February 12, 2008, 8:05
The purpose of these actions is to stimulate demand in the face of the combined impact of the severe contraction in housing and the related financial market disruptions. While housing construction has been weak for more than two years, its effects did not spill over to most other sectors until fairly recently. 

Bush signs bill aimed at boosting economy

February 13 2008: 2:22 PM EST

President signs $170 billion economic stimulus package passed last week by Congress. Consumers could see tax rebate checks by May.


How bad will the economy get?

By Andy Serwer, managing editor

Fortune Magazine

February 13 2008: 10:47 AM EST

Fortune managing editor Andy Serwer spoke extensively with Lawrence Summers, Harvard University professor who served as Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton.

La confianza en EU está por los suelos

CNNExpansió / Reuters 

15 de febrero de 2008 

La confianza del consumidor estadounidense cayó en los primeros días de febrero a niveles asociados con recesiones previas, mientras que la actividad fabril en el estado de Nueva York sufrió una baja mensual récord. La Universidad de Michigan anunció que su índice preliminar cayó a 69.6 puntos en febrero, desde una lectura final de 78.4 en enero. Los analistas consultados esperaban una marca de 76.3. La lectura del segundo mes del año fue la más baja desde febrero de 1992.

Fed will continue to act decisively: Mishkin

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss


Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:02pm EST

Federal Reserve Governor Frederic Mishkin on Friday said the central bank is ready to act swiftly in the face of risks to the economy but is also ready to raise rates if inflation expectations become untethered.

Bleak economic reports signal recession

By Mark Felsenthal 


Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:02pm EST

A series of bleak economic reports on Friday showed the mood of American consumers deteriorating in February to a point that has always signaled recession, while factory activity in New York state suffered its biggest drop on record.

U.S. Economy: Confidence Drops, Manufacturing Fails to Increase

By Bob Willis and Courtney Schlisserman


February 15, 2008 11:30 EST

Confidence among American consumers slumped to the lowest level since 1992 and factory output failed to increase, indicating the damage from the housing contraction is pushing the economy toward a recession.

Industrial Production in U.S. Rises 0.1% as Cold Weather Spurs Utility Use

By Bob Willis


February 15, 2008 11:30 EST

Industrial production in the U.S. rose in January as unusually cold weather pushed up utility use, while output at factories was flat after two months of gains.

U.S. January Import Prices Rise 1.7%, More Than Forecast, on Energy, Food

By Shobhana Chandra 


February 15, 2008 08:56 EST

Prices of goods imported into the U.S. rose more than forecast in January, pushing the increase for the last 12 months to a record, led by rising costs for energy products and food.

Wall Street at risk for $30B in bond insurer crisisBy David EllisCNNMoney.comFebruary 19 2008: 3:57 PM ESTIf the bond insurance crisis worsens, banks and securities firms may have to sock away billions of dollars more in reserves, Moody's Investor Services said in a report published Tuesday.

Right now, the credit rating agency estimates that about 20 different financial institutions have about about $120 billion worth of credit default swaps on asset-backed collateralized debt obligations guaranteed with different bond insurers.

Cinco preguntas claves sobre la crisis capitalista mundialBy Paula Bach18 de febrero de 2008

El reciente “supermartes” fue un “martes negro” para la economía norteamericana. La recesión en EE.UU. estaría comenzando y aunque no puede conocerse su magnitud, todo indica que será más fuerte que las anteriores. Incluso muchos economistas plantean la posibilidad que tras un salto en la crisis bancaria, EE.UU. entre en un escenario recesivo estilo Japón en los años ‘90, del que no pudo salir por más de una década.

A green-collar recession?

By Todo Woody


February 19, 2008, 12:32 pm

It’s all about the green economy, stupid. The United States could lose more than 116,000 green collar jobs and forgo $19 billion in green tech investment in 2009 if Congress fails to extend two tax credits crucial to the renewable energy industry, according to a new study.

FED lowers U.S. economic projection for 2008 

Federal Reserve System

February 20, 2008

En punto muerto, el crecimiento económico de EU, dice Greenspan

Reuters / La Jornada

Febrero 26, 2008

 El crecimiento económico de Estados Unidos “está en cero, en punto muerto” y podría pasar más tiempo de lo habitual para una recuperación, dijo el ex presidente de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos (Fed), Alan Greenspan, durante una conferencia en Arabia Saudita.

Greenspan, culpable de la crisis en EU, afirma Stiglitz

 La Jornada

Febrero 27, 2008

En una entrevista por televisión, el economista aseveró que los recortes de tasas que realizó el actual presidente de la Reserva Federal (Fed), Ben Bernanke, llegaron demasiado tarde para contrarrestar la significativa desaceleración que la economía enfrentaría ante el deterioro del mercado inmobiliario, mientras su predecesor, Greenspan, “miraba hacia el otro lado”.

Bernanke, Greenspan at Fault as US Faces Slump, Stiglitz Says Feb. ...
Mark Barton and Ben Sills
February 26, 2008
Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel-prize winning economist, said successive Federal Reserve chairmen have left the U.S. economy facing a ``very significant'' slowdown.

US Economy Is `Probably' in a Recession, Stiglitz Says Feb. 26 ...
Mark Barton and Ben Sills
February 26, 2008
Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel-prize winning economist, said the U.S. economy is ``probably'' in a recession with a housing-market collapse sapping consumer spending.

Policy Survey: Amid Credit Concerns, A Lack of Consensu on Monetary and Fiscal Policy 

National Association for Business Economics

March 3, 2008


El impacto de una desaceleración de la economía estadounidense en el hemisferio occidental

Mark Weisbrot, John Schmitt y Luis Sandoval 

Center for Economic and Policy Research – CEPR

Narzo 2008

Darkness visible: CFOs see recession through 2009Darkness Visible: CFOs See Recession Through 2009David M. | US

March 12, 2008

The outlook isn't brilliant among U.S. finance chiefs studied by CFO magazine and Duke University: 75 percent see a recession starting sometime this year. The mood among finance chiefs in Europe, Asia, and China is also growing gloomier.

The economic outlook
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, FED
April 2, 2008-04-03

In response to deterioration in the near-term outlook for the economy and intensified strains in financial markets, in recent months the Federal Reserve has eased monetary policy substantially further and taken strong actions to increase market liquidity.

The subprime crisis: size, deleveraging and some policy optionsOECD Committee on Financial MarketsApril 15, 2008

The subprime mortgage crisis has now triggered wider repercussions in financial markets and institutions, and continues to challenge the efforts of policymakers to devise successful measures in response. Central banks have taken various steps to calm the markets, but concerns remain and the situation is not fully resolved. The likelihood of an adverse impact on the broader economy has obviously increased for the U.S. and it is far from clear that other economies will long remain immune.


Websites actuales sobre la crisis:

Econbrowser:  Analysis of current economic conditions and policy

The Brookings Instituttion:  U.S. Economy 2008

La crisis financiera a través del MIT: The U.S. Financial Crisis: What Happened? What’s Next?.

Financial Times: Global Financial Crisis
IMF Survey Online. September 29, 2008:  IMF Head Urges Greater Regulation of Financial Sector

The Becker-Posner Blog. A blog by Gary Becker and Richard Posner: Comunicación Popular alternativa  

Click aquí para leer todos los artículos sobre el tema "Crisis Económica Internacional"

The Peterson Institute for International Economics: Global Financial Crisis

La Crisis: Un reportaje a fondo sobre la crisis financiera que ha sacudido al mundo. BBC Mundo

International Monetary Found 2008: Financial Crisis

World Bank 2009: Financial Crisis

CNN Expansión:  México ante la crisis financiera mundial

CNN Expansión:  ESPECIAL: Mundo en crisis

Bank for International Settlements:  Speeches on the recent financial crisis

Bank for International Settlements:  IFC Financial Crisis Website 

OECD 2009: comment and analysis for a strategic response to the crisis, along with links to useful statistics, key publications and relevant speeches and articles.  Tackling the financial and economic crisis

IMF, march 3 2009:  "The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Low-Income Countries."

The Financial Regulation Forum 2010

Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010, H.R. 4173. May. 20, 2010 

See H.R. 4173 on THOMAS for the official source of information on this bill or resolution 



Última modificación ( 11.08.2010 )