Measuring, disclosing and managing the carbon intensity of investments and investment portfolios. ©
Centro de Documentación e Información
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© Victor Medina Corona

PORTFOLIO CARBON Measuring, disclosing and managing the carbon intensity of investments and investment portfolios: Why now is the time and how to get started. UNEP Finance Initiative, Genève, Switzerland, © United Nations Environment Programme, July, 2013, 40 p.

The new reality that the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere has surpassed 400 parts per million for the first time in several million years  underscores the urgency of a transition to a low-carbon economy.  This transition will require the participation of the global financial sector and will also have tremendous implications for the sector itself. It is in the self interest of financial intermediaries to start preparing to take action now, rather than later, to prepare for this transition. The Investor Briefing document is organised as follows.  The first two sections present current political, social and economic trends towards greater scrutiny and regulations of GHG emissions. The next two sections detail various ways in which investors can begin to measure and address the GHG emissions embedded in their portfolios, including advantages and obstacles associated with different methods.  The document concludes with a short explanation of some of the future work that UNEP FI will undertake  to assist investors and other financial intermediaries (FIs) in addressing their financed emissions, as well as a number of case studies on how leading FIs have already begun addressing theirs.
Palabras Clave: emisiones de carbono, cambio climático, medio ambiente, desarrollo sostenible, gases de efecto invernadero, huella de carbono
Clasificación JEL:  O54, Q01, Q17, Q27, Q33, Q51, Q53, Q56, Q57, Q58